Month: April 2009

Team YOU: Build Up Your Support System

“Do you have an agent?”

Possibly the most popular question ever posed to an actor, second only to “What have we seen you in?”  (Or, my mother’s favorite, “When do I get to see a copy of that student spec commercial for diapers you shot in December in Oxnard so I can send it to all your cousins?!”  Oh, Mom…) The representation question is certainly one we devote lots of time and energy to, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle.  Because, in reality, the agent is only one (albeit very important) part of your team.  That’s right!  You are building a team to help you build, support, and sell your product: YOU.

Think I’ve been watching too much college basketball for my own good?  Yeah, well, just think about it for a second.  When you read any of those interviews in gossip websites or celebrity tabloids, or listen to who award-winning actors thank at the Oscars or the Golden Globes, they always mention a whole slew of random people you’ve never heard of: publicists, managers, assistants, coaches, teachers, casting directors, and, yes, agents.  It’s like one of those commercials for children’s advocacy groups: “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.”  And it totally takes a village to raise an actor’s career!  Your teammates can offer you everything from advice to auditions to just plain moral support.  So let’s talk about the important players you can start gathering for your team.  You’ll be surprised how many people you can count among your teammates… Read More

To Pay Or Not To Pay! That Is The Question!

For the actor or actress who isn’t in SAG, doesn’t have representation, and is without the industry contacts to get you in to an agent or casting director’s office… paid showcases can be an excellent way to meet and perform for prominent agents and casting directors. Some actors are adamantly against paying to audition. But for many actors, showcases are just about the only way to get that coveted foot in the door.

I want to impart some valuable tips from an agent showcase last night with DEDE BINDER-GOLDSMITH, President of Defining Artists, a prestigious boutique agency in Los Angeles. Read More

Taking Care of Actor Business

Welcome to April!  Can you believe we’re back again at tax time?  As I slogged through my own piles of forms and receipts yesterday, I tried not to get frustrated at the complications of being a working actor during tax season: working several jobs, working in several states, working sporadically, working “under the table.”  All highly confusing when you try to fit your eccentric artistic life into countless small numbered boxes.  But it’s all part of the actor’s business.  Because you are, after all, running your own business (and if you don’t agree, the IRS does soooo…the bad news is you might have to pay taxes on your own actor business, but…it’s worth it!) and you’ve got to organize your life to accomodate that.
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Networking like a Star!

When people talk about Hollywood, they often widen their eyes and say, “Well, it’s all about who you know.  You know?”  And  that is, actually, completely true.  The very first day I started my theatrical training, the school’s director, a well-respected and successful actress in her own right, sat all of us first year students down and said, “This is your first big break.  The people who will give you your second big break are not us, your teachers, but your new peers who you are sitting next to right now.”  We all gave each other sidelong glances, sizing each other up.  Could that pimply kid next to me really make me a star?  Chances are…yes.

If the entertainment business is all about being in the right place at the right time, who you are with at the time is going to really affect your life.  Maybe that pimply kid on Day One decided he wasn’t going to be an actor at all, but a casting director.  Wow!  Instant in.  Maybe that other kid next to you became a producer, or a director, or got a starring role on Broadway last year and knows a thousand other well-situated people.  Sound crazy?  Well, that’s because it is.  But crazy or not, the truth of the matter boils down to a little rule involving the one-and-only Kevin Bacon: everybody knows somebody.  (If you’re not getting the Kevin reference, it refers to the 6 Degrees of Separation game.)  Which is the heart of networking. Read More