Month: May 2009

Headshot Extravaganza: How to Find the Best Photographer (part II)

I am so excited to explore Part Two of the Headshot Extravaganza!  To set the record straight, I am NOT a headshot-loving actor.  I get antsy when I’m taking new headshots.  I feel insecure.  I smile weird.  My eye twitches.  All in all, I am very unappealling.  Luckily, I found a fantastic photographer who I love to work with.  She makes me laugh when I’m pouting over my ugly hair.  She spurs me on with encouragement when I get tired.  And she helps me find a picture I confidently can use as my calling card in this crazy business.  So!  Let’s find out how to find an equally amazing photographer for you!

How to Find the Best Photographer For You:

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Headshot Extravaganza: Why You Need Fantastic Headshots!

Well, folks, it’s been quite a day.  A long, exhausting, anxious, finicky, neurotic day.  To be more specific…Headshot Day.  The day I’ve been putting off for three whole years.  (When I got my last headshots taken.)  I finally got my new headshots taken, and now that Headshot Day has passed, and all I have to do now is narrow down my option and print up my new pictures, I’m in the mood to share some tidbits I’ve learned along the way.  First off, I’m hoping I’m not the only one in the world who is consumed by an overwhelming desire to run far away to a nice job in insurance sales when I think about getting new headshots taken.  The fact is, getting good pics is a job on its own!  If you’re new to the business, you might wonder why everyone makes such a big deal about headshots. Read More

Just Tank One

Just Tank One.

Congratulations- you’ve come all this way and you finally have a few auditions. It’s a scary process to have worked so hard to get past one obstacle only to find yourself staring into the jaws of an entirely different beast. This one is bigger, meaner, and more direct. When we set ourselves up with fruitful situations and they finally flower into true opportunity, we have put in the legwork on the business side. Almost forgot about the creative side, eh? How terrifying it is to be judged in a matter of seconds and perhaps roasted over the proverbial fire after much sacrifice.

Sometimes, it is a matter of focus: when all of the conditions aren’t perfect, how can we still dig down and find that concentration to do what we know to be right as it pertains to our craft? To me, if we don’t test ourselves under these circumstances, there will always be some form of doubt which can negatively creep over our subconscious and have quite an adverse effect on our performance. Simple solution: tank one. Read More